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Membership of the Eight Strategic Interest Groups
Individuals in other groups associated with management in agriculture in its widest sense, such as consultants, advisors, academics and research workers are also welcome.

Within the validity of your membership subscription year, you will be a member of Eight S.I.Gs within the institute. You can choose any four S.I.G from Food Processing Group, Arable Crop Producers Group, Agro-Allied Exports Group, Livestock Producers and Processors Group and Agribusiness Services Group.

Eight Training Workshops Monthly- One from each Strategic Interest Group

The Zonal Chapter of ISANRRC host one workshop monthly to develop the capacities of Zone every month,making a total of four workshops in all.

Editions of Agribusiness Executive Magazine every Month

Access to timely information is crucial for capacity building and business growth.

Every month, you will get a copy of the Agribusiness Executive Magazine- an in house publication for members of the Institute of Agribusiness Management Nigeria.

The publication is laced with insights on market intelligence, local and global market linkages for commodities trade, Agribusiness CEO Interview columns with industry leaders, Agrifood brand analysis, management dynamics, My ISANRRC story and lots of exciting segments that keep you abreast of developments in the global agribusiness industry and set you apart from your contemporaries.

The magazine covers the full spectrum of food entrepreneurship, crop and livestocks, commodity trade, Agrifood exports, local agro processing, business strategy, logistics e.t.c.

Monthly Agribusiness Breakfast Meeting

Every month, ISANRRC members converge for the monthly agribusiness breakfast meeting where they explore new and emerging opportunities in the industry and proffer solutions to day to day challenges of members in their businesses and careers. It’s an amazing platform for professionals to network together for enterprise growth.

ISANRRC Membership Value ID Card

The card has a microchip firmly embedded in a smart card that stores your membership data such as names, membership number, chapter and other information. With the card, you will get discounts on lots of negotiated services such as hotels, fitness services e.t.c. across the country as an ISANRRC member.

Farm Management Consulting Service

ISANRRC is into consultancy of farm management. We provide management services to all ISANRRC members.

  • ISANRRC has partnership with Organic Fertilizer and herbicides Firms.

We supply organic fertilizer and herbicites to members at a discounted rates

  • Use designatory letters after your names

This is a clear validation of your professional status within the Nigerian Agribusiness industry.

  • Two Agribusiness Intelligence Report Annually
  • Discounts on training, educational programs, workshops, trade missions and conferences for members and employees of corporate members.
  • Individuals in other groups associated with management in agriculture in its widest sense, such as consultants, advisors, academics and research workers are also welcome.
  • The opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism in the industry
  • The opportunity to belong to a professional body concerned specifically with management in agriculture
  • The opportunity to attend networking events to create and maintain connections
  • The opportunity to take part in targeting training
  • Access to the Institutes’ journal ‘International Journal’
  • The opportunity to take part in regional activities arranged by the Institute branches.

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